Nowadays Crypto is a very complex industry from a UX / UI perspective. If you want to interact with your Web3 wallet you need a strong learning process. If you want to get custody of your first bitcoin, again you need to know about seed phrases, security and stuff like that.
And "normal people" -I mean, the ones who are not still in the crypto space- are not ready for these needs. Attending a classical Gauss bell, we are still in the 1-2% of the total population;

If we want to reach the mainstream, how can we solve it?
Introducing TurinWallet, the first Bitcoin wallet APP designed for everyone.
We conceptualized the TurinWallet APP as the first step to introduce the crypto industry, and nothing better than Bitcoin to do it: the digital asset everyone knows. So the issues we needed to solve are people's pains to get into. TurinWallet solves the main issues and acts as an entry door for everyone.
1. The only wallet that eliminates bitcoin's volatility.
This is huge. Why people are afraid of bitcoin? because they don't understand volatility. So let's take it off!

Volatility is something that "normal people" are not prepared to handle. With TurinWallet, you won't have to be concerned about fluctuating bitcoin prices because if you send 100 euros today, you'll always have 100 euros in bitcoin. To do this, we use a digital coin (e€ or e$) that stands for "equivalent to" to represent the balance you have in your account. You will always see euros or dollars, but you will always hold the same amount of bitcoin that was originally exchanged (in euros or dollars, of course).
2. The wallet that includes cash-in and cash-out from fiat.
What is the first pain of depositing BTC in a wallet? you need BTC, and you may not have it. You need bitcoin first.
TurinWallet will introduce the bitcoin purchase from euro/dollar inside the APP. With a simple bank transfer/credit card payment, you'll be able to recharge your wallet in a very simple way.

3. The only wallet also designed for developers.
Which is the main problem developers have testing BTC or Lightning products? they need a faucet BTC and it's not easy to get it.
TurinWallet has a "developer mode": when you activate it you can pay any LN invoice with the faucet BTC the APP provides, with no need to get it. It's simple and very welcome news for the tech community.

Let's keep building!