We are excited to announce the launch of our first plugin to process BTC-Lightning Network payments through our API, and the chosen platform is Woocommerce! the global leader website builder powered by WordPress.
The plugin is fully operating. You can download it from here and read the documentation here.
If you have e-commerce built with Woocommerce you can start to accept Bitcoin payments today. You don't need to be a developer to install it. Just read the documentation and do it yourself!
Download the zip file, install in your WordPress site and activate it;

After activating the plugin, create a TurinPay account to get the API keys for Woocommerce TurinPay API settings. Sign up for an account here, or if you already have an account, please look in your dashboard > API Keys, and it will display a popup.

Copy the API keys to your Woocommerce. From the WordPress Dashboard, go to Woocommerce > Settings > Payments > Turinpay Processing:

Enable the Turinpay Gateway then click the “Manage” button so it will be redirected to Turinpay API Settings. You can now paste the copied API keys in their respective box.
Disclaimer: you receive a Development API key with your TurinPay account. Once you test the product ask for the Production API key to Turin Labs filling out the form at app.turinpay.com.
Have further questions?
Read the full documentation here: