Today we launch de first of our deals with companies focused on developing TPV software for online and physical merchants.
Gesio is a well-known Spanish company that provides B2B management software, from ERP to CRM and, of course, the software any merchant needs to get payments from users (TPV or "Terminal Punto de Venta" in Spanish).
And from now on Gesio offers the TurinPay service for all his customers, in two ways: the simple one is using the TurinPay API independently for any merchant, and the most interesting one is by integrating the API in their TPV:

This integration will be free until April 2023, so if you are a Gesio customer, hurry up! and start to receive payments in Bitcoin in real time!
If you own or work in a merchant and manage the TPVonline product, you'll have a new payment method integrated into the payment software, like the next screen:

If you choose to pay with TurinPay it will generate a QR code with the invoice to be paid, so the customer can use any Bitcoin-LN wallet to pay it. Ultra-fast payment method and always free for the merchant!
TurinPay is an API solution focused on merchants that want to start receiving payments in Bitcoin in real-time. It's free and simple to install. Learn more about TurinPay here.
Gesio is a Spanish online management software for B2B, wholesalers and distributors. More info about the company here.